I realize that I have been THE BIGGEST SLACKER when it comes to updating my friends and family on what's happening in my life and for this I am sorry. This is me attempting to make it up to you all.
So...picking up where I left off...
My last blog was posted from DeKalb, IL where I spent the summer interning. It was a great experience for me. I was able to participate in various facets of ministry including things that I normally would not have participated in. I was able to sing, play piano, speak, preach (yes, there's a difference), put together some outreach concerts, take a home missions trip, teach the youth and lots of other small things here and there. I would highly recommend to any young minister, no matter what you're called to do, to complete some type of internship like that if you are ever given the chance. Experience is the best teacher.
Right before leaving DeKalb, I got to attend North American Youth Congress 2011, which, I'm sure you heard, was life-changing! Every service was apostolic. That's the best way I can describe the entire congress. It was completely and totally apostolic. And also, I learned that I'm a Giant. :)
Melinda, me, Candra and Kari at NAYC 2011 |
Greta, Toby and me. Partial "family" reunion. :) |
My new friend Adrian and myself at Canes in Columbus |
Me and the little bro being silly |
Anointed worship services led by Kristin Keller |
An anointed and timely message preached by Brother Jimmy Toney.
After a 15 hour drive home (which I broke up over 2 days. Thank you Candra and Melinda for letting me crash at your place at 2 am.) I turned right around the next day, picked up one bestie from the airport, hit up Bojangles and we drove to Virginia Beach to see the other bestie. I'm so thankful that I got to see them for a few days. They are a great strength to me and I miss them both dearly.
Heather, me and Korey. Love them! |
I then returned home only for a night and then packed up with the family and we headed to the coast. We spent three nights on Ocracoke Island. We all returned home looking like lobsters. But we had a blast and I'm thankful that I got to spend four days with my wonderful family.
Josh and I attempting to amuse ourselves during the 5 hour car ride |
Getting ready to get on NC 12! |
Mom and Dad. :) |
Daddy and me on the ferry |
Traditional feet picture |
Ocracoke lighthouse. Taken from the South side of the island. |
The next day was spend doing laundry and packing. So much laundry. So much packing. Then, I got up bright and early the next morning and set out for Indy. And I've been here ever since. It's been a week and a half since I got here and already I have gotten back into the IBC groove. I've reconnected with my friends from last year and made some new freshman friends. :) I have some added responsibility this year as I am now the new Music Director for MSA (Ministerial Student Association). Candra, who did this job last year, is now serving as our Student Body Secretary and so for the next few weeks she will be training me to take over her job. I'm excited and nervous about it, but mostly excited. I can feel that this year is going to be awesome. More awesome than last year, which was pretty awesome. :)
Part of the group that went to the IMA the first Saturday of school. |
My new friend Grace. |
The lovely Jana. I'm so glad she came back this year! |
My hilarious, beautiful, sweet Poitras girls. |
Bottom line: God is good.
Love to you all. Goodnight. <3